Lost Art – HVW8 Roy Ayers' painting

People inquire a lot about one of our most infamous pieces; the Roy Ayers Wax Poetics cover piece from 2004. Here is the story –

The Roy Ayers painting by HVW8 Art Installation was created in Montreal during a live set with Afronaught and Mark Force, from the Bugz in the Attic, during the Goods. I brought back the original painting to Los Angeles from Montreal and gave it to Andre Torres at Funky Sole at Star Shoes for the Wax Poetics cover. Andre took the piece back to Brooklyn. This was the last time I saw it.

A few weeks passed and I asked when we were going to get the piece back. Andre said he had already Fed-Ex’d the painting back to Huntington Beach, where HVW8 had an office within Giant distribution, but didn’t have a tracking number. Fast foward 6 months, Andre finds the tracking number and we find out that the painting was received at Giant distribution and signed for by an employee who was fired that day. This employee then left back to Mexico. Sad thing this piece was never properly documented.

So best bet the HVW8’s Roy Ayers is currently in Tijuana area.

Please let us know if you ever see it! Also never lend out original pieces!