
Brian Lotti ‘Park Life’ opens April 27th at HVW8 Berlin


HVW8 Gallery Berlin presents

Park Life

A solo exhibition by Brian Lotti

HVW8 Gallery Berlin is pleased to present ‘Park Life’, an exhibition of new monotypes and paintings from Brian Lotti. Based out of Los Angeles, home to a famous sky that attracted both the entertainment industry and a myriad of West Coast landscape painters because of the quality of light, this attribute finds itself and its many characteristics alive in Lotti’s work.

April 27, 7–10pm

April 28–June 17, 2016 Thu–Sat, 1–6pm

HVW8 Gallery Berlin Linienstr. 161

With support from adidas Originals

Jean Jullien ‘Flat Out’


HVW8 Gallery Berlin presents

Flat Out

A solo exhibition by Jean Jullien

Graphic artist Jean Jullien applies his signature style to three-dimensional sculpture for the first time in the series of six steel artworks now displayed at HVW8 Berlin. The French graphic artist playfully explores the theme of laziness in soft brilliant-hued, life-sized figures that resolutely refuse to “do” much of anything. A keen observer of the everyday and current events, Jullien here focuses on moments of unadorned idleness that punctuate the hyperactivity of modern life.

April 27, 7–10pm

April 28–June 17, 2017, Thu–Sat, 1–6pm

HVW8 Gallery Berlin Linienstr. 161

Made possible with support from adidas Originals.

HVW8 x WWFM Live Broadcast



HVW8 x WWFM : Busy P + guests // 19-04-17 // 8PM-2AM BST / 12-6PM PST

Tomorrow (April 19th) is the start of the HVW8 x WWFM live world wide broadcast. We’re lucky to have Busy P of the mighty Edbanger crew playing a set along with Jeremy Sole and Jimetta Rose featuring Ill Camille. Live broadcast 12-6pm PST, tune in at or come by our Los Angeles gallery at 661 N. Spaulding Ave, 90036, West Hollywood.

Please RSVP at

Secret Cities : Paris with artist Inès Longevial

In a new film, Paris-based artist Inès Longevial walks us through her daily routine. From morning painting in her airy Haussmann apartment to afternoon strolls through the streets of the French capital, stopping at a few local spots along the way.

from Nowness

Look for an upcoming exhibition with Inès later this year.

Political Minded – Mass Incarceration Feb. 25th, 1- 7pm


Political Minded – Mass Incarceration

Mass Incarceration in the Land of the Free – The U.S. represents just 5% of the world’s population, but holds 25% of its prisoners making it the world’s leading jailer. Fueled by “tough on crime” politics in the 80’s and 90’s, incarceration rates exploded. The event strives to raise awareness of the disproportionate effects of the criminal justice system and infrastructure on minority communities.

Political Minded is an ongoing art and music series dealing with social and political issues. First debuted in Montreal in 2003, Political Minded events have been held in NY, SF, LA and Munich.

Saturday, Feb. 25th, 1- 7pm

Artists –
Fulton ‘Mr. Wash’ Washington
(Recipient of Obama 2014 Clemency program)
Tyler Gibney

Music –
Nick V (Baka Boyz)
Mr. Choc (Beat Junkies)
Ralph M (K-Day Mixmaster)
+ more

Film Screening –
13th (Oscar nominated Best Documentary Feature)

Presentation by Keldren ’Kpook’ Joshua #frommyeyestoyours. On August 10th, 2016, Keldren Joshua was released from Terminal Island prison as a result of President Obama’s 2014 Clemency program.

Article from Outline on Fulton ‘Mr. Wash’ Washington and Keldren ’Kpook’ Joshua’s Clemency from Obama Here.

Black Book Session Artists – Artwork celebrating a second chance at freedom and to spread awareness of using art as a tool for change and education.

Program Support:
Wyatt Closs, @BigBowlofIdeas











HVW8 Selected Works January 2017


Brian Roettinger
Lichtenstein: Done Deal
15.5 × 21 in. (39.37 × 53.34 cm)
Screen printed on styrene


Face Blast
9.5” x 12.5” (24 x 32cm)
Acrylic Paint and Ink


Devin Troy Strother
2 in the pink 1 in the stink (part 1) “get’cha nger outta there”
20 x 16 in. (44 x 35.2 cm)
acrylic, oil, cut painted paper, on wood panel



Cody Hudson
Doomsday Reggae Sunsplash I
24” x 24” (52.8 x 52.8 cm)
Acrylic on Linen

Just a few pieces available from past exhibitions. Please email for inventory.

HVW8 Miami 2016

















Our HVW8 Exhibition space at Miami Art Week with artwork from Wilfred Limonious ‘In Fine Style’, Alex Bartsch ‘Covers’ and Dancehall signs with Maxine Walters. Event with Walshy Fire, Silent Addy, Al Fingers and Eccentrix Sounds featuring new HVW8 Sidebar mural in tribute to Limonious painted by Dan Buller. Thanks to Sonos and adidas.

See more photos from Miami on the HVW8 Gallery Facebook Here.


Perspective Tyler Gibney of HVW8 Gallery

Artist and gallerist Tyler Gibney spoke to VSCO at his Los Angeles gallery HVW8 about the exhibition “Anxiety” (Nov 4 – Dec 16), a group show he curated with Laura Watters that sought to address “the unnerving tension of the strange climate of present day.” The theme of the show would prove to be even more relevant as the US and the world reacted to the new era that was ushered in on November 8th. Following the election, works in the show resonated with further levels of meaning — Cali Thornhill DeWitt’s opioids and Earths installation, Brendan Lynch’s tribute tee to Eric Garner (which the artist had worn across a two-year span), and Gibney’s own “Gun America” mural painted large on the side of the building. Gibney has a history of organizing work that intersects with politics and social issues, most notably, “The Art of a Political Revolution — Artists for Bernie Sanders” earlier in 2016. And in this vignette, Gibney offers his views on the gallery’s role, and responsibility, in providing the needed context for the crucial position that artists play in offering perspectives on the pressing issues of our times.

Video by Wilson Cameron

Link to VSCO site HERE

‘Anxiety’ Exhibition on Purple Magazine France


Eric Yahnker


Steven Traylor


Brendan Donnelly


Anja Salonen



Co-Curator Laura Watters


Devin Troy Strother






Co-Curator Tyler Gibney



Kyla Hansen

brendan-lynch-copie-820x550Brendan Lynch

Photos from Purple Magazine Paris.

Photo Paige Silveria

EINHUNDERT – Diversity And Conformity – Berlin


Einhundert teamed up with Native Teenage and a bunch of young talented local photographers to showcase a total of 100 sides to the city in a photo zine called ‘Diversity And Conformity’. 10 images by 10 artists – Einhundert views.

Join Native Teenage, adidas and us at HVW8 Gallery this Friday for our exhibition opening and Zine launch! Conplimentary drinks and food will be provided by Fechtner, plus Lee Stuart, Kristieyana and Nico Adomako on the Cdjs.

About the zine:
Diversity And Conformity. Two unstable magnitudes that bind a visual-driven culture. While the motivation on the concatenation of the following 100 pictures is to capture a indefinable collection of visual moments that have drawn the attention from 10 different individuals and photographers, the focus lies on the places they have been at the specific time this idea was born. By now this is Berlin.

Diversity and conformity. Effect or affect? How are you, the viewer, affected by what you see? What is the effect? Which image are you attracted to the most? What are you drawn to and why is this appealing to you?

Diversity and conformity. Subjective views turned into an objective analogue experience. Turn the pages, turn it around, close it, open it again and repeat. Its purpose is not to explain a process. It’s not to explain a cause. It’s a feeling that we try to envision, a feeling we try to evoke in the first instance and reproduce with each individual experience. Something tangible.


Diversity And Conformity.

Photographs by:
Henrik Alm
Johannes Böttge
Alexandra Bondi De Antoni
Roberto Brundo
Nikki Powell
Daan Dam
Marie Luise Lorena Mayer
Joanna Schröder
Felix VSOP
Ed Phillips

Curated by Native Teenage
Brought to you by the good folks over at adidas Originals

HVW8 Berlin
Linienstraße 161, 10115 Berlin

Opening: DEC 09th, 2016, 18:00 h
On view: DEC 10th – Dec 16th, Thu-Sat 1-6 pm

ALL INCLUSIVE – Group Show Berlin



iGNANT magazine and HVW8 Gallery collaborate on a group exhibition with photographers from around the globe, playing with the subject “All Inclusive“. Sometimes critical, often sarcastic yet humorous, their works deal with vacationing and the stereotypical images that one might think of hearing the term “All Inclusive“. The artists reveal a shady side of maximum recreation on a cheap basis, showing us how tourists in uence the image of a city or landscape, or simply spark interest with an easy-going aesthetic. In a time where everyone is striving for ultimate fun and personal development, “All Inclusive“ is the analogy for our attitude of self-management and self-enhancement.


Featuring photographs by:

Fabien Fourcaud, Paris
Fred Guillaud, Barcelona
Max Siedentopf, Amsterdam
Polly Penrose, London
Sailah Maynard, Cincinnatti
Lukas Korschan, Berlin

Opening: November 17, 2016, 7–10 pm
Exhibition Runs: November 18 – December 3, 2016
Opening hours: Friday – Saturday, 1–6pm
Location: HVW8 Gallery, Linienstr. 161, Berlin

Media Contact

Yasmin Yazdani

Karl Hab – Basketball Aerial Shots of LA



Young Parisian photographer Karl Hab has long had an obsession with Los Angeles and aerial photography. His first book, Window Seat Please, was a dreamy zine shot entirely out of the window of planes crossing the Atlantic, then his second book, 24H Los Angeles was a more literal exploration of LA.

In his latest project, Karl has shot LA’s most colourful, graphic basketball courts from a two-seater helicopter. “It was a project in a project,” he says of the three-year project. “When I was shooting pictures for 24h Los Angeles I found these nuggets, so I decided to shoot more courts last summer while I was in LA.”

Read the rest of the interview on Amuse.

Buy Karl Hab pieces Here. 

Lisa Leone Interview on iGnant





New interview with Lisa Leone on iGnant  :


Opening this week at HVW8 Gallery Berlin – an exhibition showing the work of Lisa Leone, a Bronx-born photographer and cinematographer that had organic relationships with some of hip-hop’s most influential artists.

From in-studio photos of Nas recording his first album ‘Illmatic’ to being on Snoop Dogg’s ‘Who Am I’ (What’s My Name) video set during a shootout between gangs in Long Beach. The artist was in the midst of the generation’s hit singles and music videos, making her known as the photographer whom photographed hip-hop’s history. We had the pleasure meeting Lisa at the gallery before the opening to get an exclusive insight on her work and stories…

read more Here