Political Minded – Mass Incarceration
Mass Incarceration in the Land of the Free – The U.S. represents just 5% of the world’s population, but holds 25% of its prisoners making it the world’s leading jailer. Fueled by “tough on crime” politics in the 80’s and 90’s, incarceration rates exploded. The event strives to raise awareness of the disproportionate effects of the criminal justice system and infrastructure on minority communities.
Political Minded is an ongoing art and music series dealing with social and political issues. First debuted in Montreal in 2003, Political Minded events have been held in NY, SF, LA and Munich.
Saturday, Feb. 25th, 1- 7pm
Artists –
Fulton ‘Mr. Wash’ Washington
(Recipient of Obama 2014 Clemency program)
Tyler Gibney
Music –
Nick V (Baka Boyz)
Mr. Choc (Beat Junkies)
Ralph M (K-Day Mixmaster)
+ more
Film Screening –
13th (Oscar nominated Best Documentary Feature)
Presentation by Keldren ’Kpook’ Joshua #frommyeyestoyours. On August 10th, 2016, Keldren Joshua was released from Terminal Island prison as a result of President Obama’s 2014 Clemency program.
Article from Outline on Fulton ‘Mr. Wash’ Washington and Keldren ’Kpook’ Joshua’s Clemency from Obama Here.
Black Book Session Artists – Artwork celebrating a second chance at freedom and to spread awareness of using art as a tool for change and education.
Program Support:
Wyatt Closs, @BigBowlofIdeas