Einhundert teamed up with Native Teenage and a bunch of young talented local photographers to showcase a total of 100 sides to the city in a photo zine called ‘Diversity And Conformity’. 10 images by 10 artists – Einhundert views.
Join Native Teenage, adidas and us at HVW8 Gallery this Friday for our exhibition opening and Zine launch! Conplimentary drinks and food will be provided by Fechtner, plus Lee Stuart, Kristieyana and Nico Adomako on the Cdjs.
About the zine:
Diversity And Conformity. Two unstable magnitudes that bind a visual-driven culture. While the motivation on the concatenation of the following 100 pictures is to capture a indefinable collection of visual moments that have drawn the attention from 10 different individuals and photographers, the focus lies on the places they have been at the specific time this idea was born. By now this is Berlin.
Diversity and conformity. Effect or affect? How are you, the viewer, affected by what you see? What is the effect? Which image are you attracted to the most? What are you drawn to and why is this appealing to you?
Diversity and conformity. Subjective views turned into an objective analogue experience. Turn the pages, turn it around, close it, open it again and repeat. Its purpose is not to explain a process. It’s not to explain a cause. It’s a feeling that we try to envision, a feeling we try to evoke in the first instance and reproduce with each individual experience. Something tangible.
Diversity And Conformity.
Photographs by:
Henrik Alm
Johannes Böttge
Alexandra Bondi De Antoni
Roberto Brundo
Nikki Powell
Daan Dam
Marie Luise Lorena Mayer
Joanna Schröder
Felix VSOP
Ed Phillips
Curated by Native Teenage
Brought to you by the good folks over at adidas Originals
HVW8 Berlin
Linienstraße 161, 10115 Berlin
Opening: DEC 09th, 2016, 18:00 h
On view: DEC 10th – Dec 16th, Thu-Sat 1-6 pm